Siddha Planet Budha Pujan (Mercury Pujan)
Beneficial for ...For a Perfect Speech, Salesmanship, Business minded, Good thinking.
Budha puja is Beneficial for For a Perfect Speech, Salesmanship, Business minded, Good thinking. Planet Budha is known as planet Mercury too. Lord Budha has four hands. Sword, Thaal, Gada and Varmudra are seen in his hands. Lord Budha has golden crown on his head and wears ornaments of yellow flowers and yellow clothes. According to the Atharva Veda, Budha was born to Chandrama and Tara. Normally, Budha Graha is associated with Good Things. But when it crosses the way of Surya Graha, there is a possibility for Strong Wind (Cyclone), Flood and Drought. According to Matsyapuran, Budha Graha is Green in Colour. Budha Graha is the Lord of Mithun and Kanya rashi.We are performing this puja for you in tantrik methods.