Siddha Crystal ball
Beneficial for ... gazing, spiritual practice,
This Crystal ball is charged by Dhanvantari mantra. Round, faceted crystal balls are one of Feng Shui's great cures for the adjustment of Ch'i, and are used to energize an area or to energetically expand an area that is cramped and uncomfortable. The clear quartz crystal , also known as mountain crystal or rock crystal, is one of the most sacred stones of the ancient and present cultures. Siddha Crystal ball is the essence of rock the highest expression the mineral kingdom. Siddha Crystal ball is found in mountains and rocks. It is sometimes more clear and transparent than water. Objects can be seen as clearly through it as in a mirror A crystal us a symbol ad a mirror of our soul. It represents our struggle for clarity. The bottom of the crystal is usually dense and opaque. As it grows through countless struggle, it gets clearer and clearer. We, too strive to achieve clarity of purpose and of being, after our various struggles.Siddha Crystal ball catches the light and reflects beautiful rainbows. It's power lies also in its structure growing reaching up towards light form type depths of the earth. Its apex (which is the point at the crown where the six sides meet is like a pyramid representing the forces of trinity, doubled. The more pointed the apex the more perfect the healing power which can be used as a laser beam. This Crystal ball catches the light and reflects beautiful rainbows. Siddha Crystal ball is a symbol of radiant white light energy. Its power lies in its structure reaching towards light form type depths of the earth. It acts as a catalyst, a conductor of energy. It is a both a receiver and transmitter. Crystal attune themselves automatically to human liberations because of their affinity with human spirits writing spiritual links when they one worn or held. Crystal protect you from outside negative vibrations. Keep in your healing place or worship place.