Siddha Crystal Shiva Idol
Beneficial for.... Good Health, Removing family problems, relationship problems.
This Crystal Shiva idol charged by Lord Shiva mantra. Lord Shiva represents the aspect of the Supreme Being and is considered to be the destroyer of evil and sorrow. Shiva is 'tri netra' or three eyed, and is 'neela kantha' - blue necked. Shiva - Nataraja is the Divine Cosmic Dancer. Shiva - Ardhanarishwar is both man and woman. Shiva is both static and dynamic and is both creator and destroyer. He is the source of fertility in all living beings. He has gentle as well as fierce forms. Shiva is the greatest of renouncers as well as the ideal lover. He destroyes evil and protects good. He bestows prosperity on worshipers although he is austere. He is omnipresent and resides in everyone as pure consciousness. Lord Shiva is the Lord of mercy and compassion. He protects devotees from evil forces such as lust, greed, and anger. He grants boons, bestows grace and awakens wisdom in His devotees. Lord Shiva is the third member of the Hindu Trinity, the other two being Lord Brahma and Lord Vishnu. Owing to His cosmic activity of dissolution and recreation, the words destroyer and destruction have been erroneously associated with Lord Shiva.Lakshmi normally appears on one of three vehicles. In her enlightened aspect, sattvic guna, she accompanies Vishnu on Garuda. In her materialistic aspect, raja guna, she appears with two elephants on either side of her. The owl depicts the pernicious aspect of wealth. Though its considered a bird of ill omen and a symbol of darkness, the owl also symbolizes wisdom and intelligence because of its ability to presage events. Lord Shiva dissolves the universe for creation of the next cycle so that the unliberated souls will have another opportunity to liberate themselves from bondage with the physical world. Thus, Lord Shiva protects the souls from pain and suffering that would be caused by a dysfunctional universe. Lord Shiva is inseparable from Shakti - Parvati the daughter of Himavaan - Haimavati. There is no Shiva without Shakti and no Shakti without Shiva, the two are one - or the absolute state of being - consciousness and bliss. keep this Siddha Crystal Shiva idol in worship place or office.