Saturday, May 23, 2009

Siddha Rudraksha and Pearl (Moti) Bracelet

Rudraksha-Pearl (Moti) Bracelet
Siddha Rudraksha-Pearl (Moti) Bracelet
Beneficial for.... blood pressure, stress, relaxation and mental peace.
This Rudraksha- Pearl bracelet is charged by Mahamrtyunjai mantra. This Siddha Rudraksha- Pearl (moti) bracelet is made of five Mukhi rudraksha beads and Pearls laced together in a elastic string. Five Mukhi rudraksha are said to be very effective for controlling high blood pressure as well as a host of other diseases. A Siddha Rudraksha with five faces represents Lord Shiva/ Rudra himself. Its name is Kalagni. It is said that it bestows all sorts of salvation & achievement of desired objects. The Siddha pearl is used to strengthen ones horoscope if the position of Moon is weak. Pearl is also very effective in providing peace of mind and also helps in making right decisions.