Thursday, December 25, 2008

Siddha Black Hakik Mala (Agate Mala)

Black Hakik Mala (Agate Mala)
Siddha Black Hakik Mala (Agate Mala)
Beneficial for Kali puja, Bhairav puja, Protection, Courage, Success.
This Black Hakik Mala charged by Kali Mantra. Black Hakik brings the Great Spirit into ones life. Attracts good fortune. Increases concentration and clarity. Promotes good will. Aids in overcoming flaws, fears, and loneliness. Has a calming effect during times of stress. Gives a sense of strength and courage. Encourages fertility. Powerful healer. Especially beneficial for bone marrow and allergies. Black Hakik is used for Protection, Courage, Success. It is worn for courage and success in competitions. Black hakik with their hot energy helps Reproduction System. Excellent stone during Menopause & other gynecology problems. It protects new life and therefore it's excellent stone during pregnancy. Black hakik saves wearer from black magic, evil eye and tantra attacks.