For Lakshmi sadhana, prosperity, wealth, financial gain.....
Sadhana of Mata Lakshmi is of prime importance in life. Be it a family man or an ascetic without wealth life is not possible. Money is the pivot of human life. This is why Mata Lakshmi has been worshipped from the earliest of times and is propitiated even today as well. We are living in a material world and as soon as one steps out of the house money is needed at each step.
Hence worship of Mata Lakshmi assumes a priority. Even great Rishis like Vishwamitra and Vashishtth realised that wealth is important in life and through powerful rituals they gained much prosperity. And as a result even great kings and rich individuals sought their help in times of need.
Poverty is the worst curse of life. To banish this curse that could be haunting a house for generations one must try one's best. Lakshmi is also called Kamalvaasini - i.e one who sits on a lotus. This is why for the Sadhana and Mantra chanting of Mata Lakshmi we use a special rosary made of seeds of lotus which is called Kamalgatta Mala. The Goddess is easily appeased if one uses this rosary for the chanting of her Mantra and she bestows upon him wealth and comforts. Kamal (Lotus) is the flower in which the Saraswati Mata sit and give blessings to us.