Beneficial for..... attraction power, success in relationship.
This Crystal Shri Krishna idol is charged by Gopala mantra. Lord Krishna is the eighth incarnation of Lord Vishnu. He commands love, respect, and adoration from all Hindus of all walks of life. Radha symbolizes the individual soul that is awakened to the love of God and is absorbed in such love. The sound of Krishna's flute represents the call of the divine for the individual souls. The gopis' love for Krishna signifies the eternal bond between the individual soul and God. The dance of the gopis and Krishna (Rasa Lila) signifies the union of the human and Divine, the dance of the souls. Krishna enjoyed the dance of love (rasa-lila) with the gopis many of whom are expansions of His own internal energies. The supreme gopi known as Srimati Radharani is the object of Krishna's highest devotion. This beautiful dance would occur in the autumn season at night under a full moon when Lord Krsna would captivate the young gopis with the extraordinary music of His flute . These esoteric pastimes constitute the most confidential expression of divinity ever revealed. Keep this Siddha Crystal Shri Krishna idol in your home or office.