Siddha Navagraha Japa and Havan
Beneficial for... Removing all nine planet's related dosha.
This Navagraha Japa and Havan has the power to counter flaws in the horoscope and enable a person to prosper in life in case astrological defects are the main blocks to his well-being. The Navagraha Japa and Havan is done to appease the nine planets i.e. the Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu, and Ketu. Every planet has its own importance. Sun is the king of planets which gives health. Moon is the planet which rules over mind and gives success. Mars or Mangala is the planet which gives prosperity and wealth. Mercury is the planet which gives knowledge, Jupiter gives education, Venus gives the knowledge of art, music etc. Saturn gives happiness and also teaches vairagya. Rahu makes the life stronger. Ketu prospers the family. Bad times are attributed to the different Grahas (Planets) and their position in the current time. These Grahas can be appeased by performing the Grah shanti Puja. Navagraha Havan or Yagna is used to remove Doshas or reduce the effect by appeasing these planets.Is done to obtain navagrahas anugraha, even if they were placed in disadvantageous positions in your horoscope. By doing this Navagraha Japa and Havan, Navagraha doshas are removed and good results will accrue. For Navagraha Japa and havan, we chant 11001 Japa and 10 % havan of chant.