( Mula Dosha Shanti pujan)
When your ancenstors,and your departed forefathers, have not attained moksha.to pacify them you have to get the pooja done,as the person will also face problems of the evil eye,and if on a higher degree this dosha will ,somehow stop your family from having male childs.the pooja once done will help you recover from the above mentioned problems. This vidhi done by Tantrik procedure is very effective although very simple. There is a special pooja to be done which can be done at our place.or you can get this pooja done at your place ,we are open for help regarding the pooja.
why should i do the anushtaan?
1 if children at home are falling sick repeatedly.
2 if you are having problems conceiving them.
3 if there are repeated miscarriages
4 if only girl child is being conceived repeatedly.
5 if your house has black magic effects.
6 if there are spirit related problems
7 if visiting their house produces a uncomfortable feeling.
Then you should go for this process of rectification,via specially trained pundits for this puja/anushtaan.