Siddha Lord Vishnu Sahastranama Pujan
Beneficial for.......... For long and happy married life, For peace and happiness in your family and to get rid of evil forces and evil effects. Lord Vishnu represents the aspect of the Supreme Reality is the Lord of protection & maintenance. His consort Lakshmi is the possessor of wealth, which is a necessity for maintenance. Goddess Lakshmi represents not only material wealth, but the wealth of grains, courage, valour, offsprings, success, luxurious life, eternal bliss. Lord Vishnu symbolizes the all-pervading protective aspect of the Supreme God, Brahman. However, according to Hindu mythology, Vishnu is reincarnated on earth from time to time, to destroy the evil in the world. The four arms indicate Lord's omnipresence and omnipotence. The right side of the body represents the creative activities of the mind and the intellect. The left side symbolizes the activities of the heart; that is, love, kindness, and compassion.